Thursday, August 23, 2018

Yay! Frickin' YAY!

I got the cards set up, they are showing the proper dialogue boxes, the card deck doesn't have a horizontal scroll box, and now I'm on the bit for the tag clouds.  I'll probably have to dig around for a good look on the items (I kinda want to have stylable items like pills or rounded boxes) but I can push this to my fabric and see how that pans out.

I think the next big step is adding user registration, cookie caching (a quirk of fabric), and a full character generation system.

Also, Bright was pretty good.  It seemed like standard fare and 'The Dark Lord' bit somehow felt shoehorned into it - most of the actors seemed to choke on saying it.  Otherwise, the action was pretty good and the acting was passable.  The corrupt-cops-fighting-over-the-wand scene was a low point in the movie.  It cheapened the characters as villains.

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