Friday, August 17, 2018

Service Fabric and the failing angular builds

Okay - I seriously don't know what happened, but the site that was running peacefully and fine in SF is now failing on XMLHttpRequest on the last install.  W. T. F.  Jeezus.  Look, I get that angular is constantly in flux right now... we're up to 7 now?  VS just barely got into supporting 5... even still some stuff floating around with v4.  Honest to gott, if it weren't that is was a hot framework to use with cool features and all - if you can't keep up to speed, have usable documentation, or at least a fan base that is willing to build with it (looking at you StackOverflow).  I dunno.

I dunno.

I have to stick with Angular because of work, but at this point, it is becoming a Sisyphean task of keeping a project going, let alone starting one up from scratch.  God help me, I may just crawl back into the MVC hole and just feck with... I dunno, moustache/handlebars templates?  It is getting ridiculous.

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