Well, I finally managed to figure out what was going on with the signalr service - apparently, I needed to add it to the app.shared.module.ts file instead of the app.browser one. Go figure. It is published to the fabric and I get to diddle with it sometime later.
I also got my graphics tablet in and the thing is quite a bit more monstrous than I thought it would be. I'll test it out tomorrow night on my laptop and then I'll have to talk to a guy about a desk. Now that I have a permanent room (at least until the bank tries to take it away), I can probably settle for a more permanent desk. Being fairly tall and having a bunch of doo-dads around, it would have to be custom.
Work has been interesting, the last interview I had to do was a very nice and intelligent lady. When I started describing what we'd need her to do and why I'd be asking some technical questions she came right out and said that the job wasn't what she had wanted. I applaud that honesty and wished her well.
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