Red Robin was good food as always and apparently, I'm 5 more meals from a free one. So that is good. :) The A1 peppercorn was pretty tasty (I recommend it) and the chili cheese fries could have been better without the jalapeno, but the campfire sauce was good.
I also went to my buddy's wife's 40th birthday. Sometimes I'm not a huge fan of being around alot of people, which is one of the benefits of being a smoker/vaper that I have an excuse to go outside. Gawd, I hate hot evenings though. I need a personal A/C unit stat!
As far as the SF stuff, I'm still struggling with SignalR, but I think it may have something to do with doing Invokes before the document is ready to send messages. I'm not sure if that is something I can do in the service.ts or do the connection in the component itself. Troubleshooting it shouldn't be this hard, but Angular seems pretty set on not being Server-Side-Rendered (SSR).
I mean, I get it, client lives in client and only talks to the server - nothing is rendered on the server, blah-blah-blah, but there is stuff that can't live on the client's side for security or database-level stuff. This kind of thinking is why we have a plethora of hackers cackling madly at how insecure your stuff is.
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