Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Things for stuff and junk

Nothing spectacular in the mail today, but man have these days been long.  I really need to get out of the house earlier instead of showing up at 9AM.  I have been making a tonne of progress on the app at work.  I've got it pulling columns dynamically, and I've decided to use an abstract interface instead of a bunch of copies of the same thing.  I hadn't thought of using overrides, but it would be awesome to do so.  I still gotta do the JWT things, but now that my DAL guy is coming back on Thursday, it should be a bit less of a load.

Overlord seems to have stalled out yesterday, nothing terribly exciting happened, so it seemed to be more of setup.  Entirely too much setup per season.  I see there is a point to building up the badass, but if you can't hint to it more strongly, add some excitement to it.

As far as my home project, I'm disappointed that I can't just switch from Angular 5 to 6 just by deleting the folder and reinitialising it from scratch.  I think it mostly has to do with webpack - but I've looked through it and there is a bunch of references to the boot and server/client scripts.  Searching through Google seems to yield far more generic problems - so I'm kinda on my own.  Maybe it is just the typescript stuff.

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