Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Missed a blog

Already I missed an appointed posting. Need to keep up with it.

As far as last night goes, I've been bouncing between WoW, Naruto X-Box, keeping up with emails, and daydreaming. For WoW, I've been working on my Hodir reputation -- which is the same 4 tedious quests with a mild inuendo to the titles. For the Naruto game, I'm amused with the story mode that they have -- tho the best part of the game is the one where you jump through hoops in the forest competing for best time. So fun. :D

Lastly, e-mails and daydreaming. I keep thinking to myself if I spend the money and time to build a cluster/cloud of VMs with a rackmount that I can somehow get myself back into programming and make a Neural Network / XML distributed DB. Speculations on what it should have as a primary task I haven't an inkling of what to do with it. Perhaps have a way to store character information for an unnamed Wayfarer MMO (or even just a paid content site), or something with Shadowrun, or miscellaneous -- maybe a CMS/Bulletin Board/Fuck-all-if-I-know.

We'll see

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