Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh right

So I haven't touched blogging in a while, however it is one of those things where I have:

  • Last.FM: Tracks my music history and stuff
  • Google Library: Tracks my book library
  • Amazon Wishlist: Tracks the books that I want to get plus misc. doodads as well
  • NewEgg Wishlist: Computer related wishlist
  • Picasa: All of the pictures and photos that I uploaded
  • Twitter: Quick microblogging-style posting system
  • MySpace: Social Networking site (I mostly use it for the Games nowadays)
  • Plus a few things that I can remember offhand
If only I had a system that would synchronise that crap together into one place. Maybe an app that I myself wrote just to handle all of these cases. Unfortunately, the stuff that I don't mess with as much doesn't have an API to begin with -- either because they want to keep their data to their own site (pshaw, to make money or some junk) or they just haven't gotten around to it.

Ah well, at least I can keep dreaming of some unified place to store this.

Aight, back to work!

EDIT: Oh, and completely unrelated -- I bring to you an image of Dizzy (from Guilty Gear X)

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