Thursday, January 6, 2011

Home Server Project

I've decided I'm going to do a two-machine setup at home, one machine dedicated to just media-server and file-serving, the other to be a play machine that handles Virtual Machines and does things like directory managment and webpages for my main site (

The best conclusion so far was to use TinyCoreLinux and VirtualBoxHeadless for FreeNAS, PMS (or Coherence... or MiniDLNA, haven't decided on a media server, yet) and use that. I had too many problems trying to get Xen Cloud Platform (a.k.a. XCP 1.0) to run nicely, seeing as it needed an iSCSI serving out hard drives to begin with, and TinyCore lended itself to small cold iron footprints. So in the end, I must have a dump spot for all of my documentation on how this project is supposed to work.

The two boxes are a Shuttle XPC SG41J1 ( with 4GB of memory, a 2.xGHz Dual Core proc, and 2x2TB SATA II drives, with the added bonus of a Blu-Ray Burner and another with gawd-noes-wot on it. I got it using a 2GB USB flash drive mounted in the front for a cheap system drive, but all-in-all, I need to get TCE working with GRUB2 loading off of the system drive.

I suppose this is where the fun starts.

UPDATE: 01/01/2011

download TCE 3.4 (Microcore64 ?)
bootable TCE (Grub2, /dev/sdc1)

###################### Load Needed Modules #####################
insmod gfxterm
insmod vbe
insmod jpeg
insmod png
###################### Load Needed Modules #####################

###################### Cherry Cheesecake Theme #####################
###################### Cherry Cheesecake Theme #####################

###################### Set Defaults #####################
# set default=2
# set timeout=5
###################### Set Defaults #####################

###################### wallpaper scripts starts here ##################
# unicode.pf2 font is from package called grub2-unicode-font.tcz

if loadfont /boot/grub/unicode.pf2 ; then
if terminal_output gfxterm ; then true ; else
# For backward compatibility with versions of terminal.mod that don't
# understand terminal_output
terminal gfxterm

if background_image /boot/wallpaper.jpeg ; then
set color_normal=black/black
set color_highlight=magenta/black
set menu_color_normal=cyan/blue
set menu_color_highlight=white/blue

########### locale settings are here ###############################
# non-en locale need grub2-locale.tcz to be installed and actioned
# as per wiki section for locale

set locale_dir=/boot/grub/locale
set lang=en

# Change en to ast, ca, de, fi, fr, hu, id, it, nl, ru, sv, zh_CN
# if needed

################ menuentries below ###############################
menuentry "MicroCore x64" {
linux /boot/bzImage64 max_loop=256 tce=LABEL=usbOS waitusb=5
initrd /boot/microcore64.gz

menuentry "base norestore" {
linux /boot/bzImage64 max_loop=256 base norestore
initrd /boot/microcore64.gz

create RAID0 /dev/sda /dev/sdb (2x2TB) using LVM2
pvcreate /dev/sda,
vgcreate vgrepo /dev/sda /dev/sdb,
lvcreate lvrepo vgrepo

format ext4 /dev/md0 (4.0TB)
create VDI (mulit-attach) (80% of md0)
install VBoxHeadless
create FreeNAS VBox w/ mounted VDI + OS VDI
create MiniDNLA (or other DLNA) VBox w/ mounted VDI + OS VDI
possibly add Murmur server for VOIP testing

need users:
tce, root, vboxusers, murmur
need services:
sshd, vboxheadless, vrdp, firewall, openssl


Clean up minotaur for VM Hostbox
- Apache2
- Tomcat6
- Glassfish
- ApacheDS
- Voldemort + db4o
- Sedna
- Subsonic
- Squid
- Nagios
- Terminal Server
- Some cloud app stuff (php, mvc3, etc)
- Hadoop
- HyperTable

The Septembers

It's been a pretty stressful last few weeks.  I suppose I should vent a bit about it - I really hate when everything has to be walled aw...