Thursday, October 14, 2010


So I've made some real progress on mah C# ANN WPF app (say that three times fast)... I found this cool thing at Microsoft's DevLab called Rx, which is a Reactive library that replaces Events in .NET with functional-type methods. Combine that with PLINQ, and I'll have a very familiar environment to work with. The only thing that I am pondering now is how to get the calculus done for it. Hinton uses a thermo-dynamics model for training the A.I., but I'll be buggered if I can actually codify it into a method/function. Guess I'll need to hit half-price books for a dummy's guide to calc.


G = \sum_{v}{P^{+}(v)\ln\left({\frac{P^{+}(v)}{P^{-}(v)}}\right)}

\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{w_{ij}}} = -\frac{1}{R}[p_{ij}^{+}-p_{ij}^{-}]

\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{\theta_{i}}} = -\frac{1}{R}[p_{i}^{+}-p_{i}^{-}]

I figure that I'd have to explode these out to larger decompositions, but most of these symbols I don't even know what they mean.

The Septembers

It's been a pretty stressful last few weeks.  I suppose I should vent a bit about it - I really hate when everything has to be walled aw...