Thursday, October 14, 2010


So I've made some real progress on mah C# ANN WPF app (say that three times fast)... I found this cool thing at Microsoft's DevLab called Rx, which is a Reactive library that replaces Events in .NET with functional-type methods. Combine that with PLINQ, and I'll have a very familiar environment to work with. The only thing that I am pondering now is how to get the calculus done for it. Hinton uses a thermo-dynamics model for training the A.I., but I'll be buggered if I can actually codify it into a method/function. Guess I'll need to hit half-price books for a dummy's guide to calc.


G = \sum_{v}{P^{+}(v)\ln\left({\frac{P^{+}(v)}{P^{-}(v)}}\right)}

\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{w_{ij}}} = -\frac{1}{R}[p_{ij}^{+}-p_{ij}^{-}]

\frac{\partial{G}}{\partial{\theta_{i}}} = -\frac{1}{R}[p_{i}^{+}-p_{i}^{-}]

I figure that I'd have to explode these out to larger decompositions, but most of these symbols I don't even know what they mean.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tinkering with images

So far, I've been tinkering with images working on the Rune's Law logo as well as trying to come up with some ideas on how to do a CSS/Theme for the wiki.  I think once Tim gets me approval on something, I'll have a foundation to layout the rest of the site based on that

I'm so packed full of nervous and creative energy, something to get me going would be good right about now.  I'm wanting to do a theme for my own site as well that would be something like Techno-Necromancy.  I figure skulls + bones + blinking lights + old-style gears would be a pretty good place for imagery.  It would also be good if I maybe worked a Tarot theme into it as well, having some stark storytelling images with deep symbolism.

Also, I grabbed a copy of poser to help with portraits, though I'm not sure I like the way they have the default mannequins built.  The hips seem too weird and the chest is way too blocky.  I guess if I need to have something more to my style, it'll have to be hacked together from other models.  Ideally, I need the grid on the face at the very least for positioning eyes and mouth.  The other thing would be to get the painting style down from Hyung-tae Kim just cause his stuff seems like the same kinda thing from I liked so much.  Magna Carta is very inspiring, I must say.

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The Septembers

It's been a pretty stressful last few weeks.  I suppose I should vent a bit about it - I really hate when everything has to be walled aw...